The Evolution of Smokeable Infusion Powder: From Kief Substitute to Game-Changer in Hemp Infusion

Feb 15th 2014

The Evolution of Smokeable Infusion Powder: From Kief Substitute to Game-Changer in Hemp Infusion


The development of Smokeable Infusion Powder, also known as "frost," was driven by our desire to innovate and elevate smokeable hemp products. With the rise of vapes and edibles, we recognized the need to make smokeable products just as valuable. To achieve this, we sought to create a kief substitute using novel hemp THC distillates, taking inspiration from nature's example of cannabis trichomes.

Innovation Through Experimentation:

After countless attempts and iterations, we finally discovered a revolutionary formulation that encapsulates our concentrate with fiber. This innovation flips the structure of kief on its head. Whereas kief consists of a fiber spine with a globule of concentrate, our Smokeable Infusion Powder is a globule of concentrate encapsulated in fiber, similar to the natural structure of cannabis trichomes but made from isolates and distillates.

What Sets Smokeable Infusion Powder Apart:

While our powder shares some similarities with natural kief, such as texture and functionality, it’s important to note that it is not kief. One significant difference is the absence of terpenes in our cannabinoid powder, which gives it a unique ability to coat and penetrate the flower. The fiber shell encapsulating the distillate uses the moisture content of the flower to fuse with it, creating a frosty appearance and enhanced functionality.

Enhancing Flavor with Encapsulated Terpenes

A standout feature of our Terpene Powder is its ability to deliver functional flavors to your flower through encapsulated terpenes. Traditional methods of adding terpenes, such as spraying them onto the flower, often result in the terpenes remaining on the surface, where they are quickly destroyed or altered when exposed to flame. This can lead to an unpleasant taste.

Our innovative approach encapsulates the terpenes within a fiber barrier. This fiber acts as a protective shield, allowing the terpenes to vaporize properly during the smoking process. This ensures that the full flavor profile is maintained, enhancing the smoking experience without the risk of burning or ruining the delicate terpenes.

Best Practices for Using Smokeable Infusion Powder:

Through extensive testing, we’ve learned that outdoor or greenhouse-grown flowers are the best candidates for infusion. These less dense flowers allow the powder to penetrate more effectively, filling the space within the flower and creating a dense, indoor-quality product.

Real-World Applications:

Interestingly, some farmers have started using our Smokeable Infusion Powder to increase the cannabinoid content of their crops. By infusing their wet flowers and allowing them to cure with the infusion frost, they create a final product that is nearly indistinguishable from high-quality indoor-grown flowers.

Streamlining Manufacturing:

Smokeable Infusion Powder has also transformed our own manufacturing process. We no longer need to rely on spray guns or expensive pre-roll infusion machines. This product has allowed us to streamline our operations, making it easier and more effective to produce superior products.


Smokeable Infusion Powder is more than just a kief substitute; it’s a game-changer for the hemp and cannabis industry. Whether you’re a manufacturer looking to enhance your products or a farmer aiming to elevate your crop, our infusion powder offers a simple, effective solution that delivers remarkable results.